{"id":8870,"date":"2018-10-30T16:35:20","date_gmt":"2018-10-30T15:35:20","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.etalab.gouv.fr\/?p=8870"},"modified":"2019-08-13T15:08:31","modified_gmt":"2019-08-13T13:08:31","slug":"rejoignez-nous-a-la-paris-digital-week-du-11-au-14-novembre","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/preprod.etalab.gouv.fr\/rejoignez-nous-a-la-paris-digital-week-du-11-au-14-novembre","title":{"rendered":"Paris au coeur de la r\u00e9volution num\u00e9rique du 11 au 14 novembre : rejoignez-nous \u00e0 la Paris Digital Week ![:en]Paris at the heart of the digital revolution, from November 11th to 14th : join us for the Paris Digital Week"},"content":{"rendered":"[:fr] <\/p>\n
\nEtalab participe \u00e0 plusieurs des s\u00e9quences de la Paris Digital Week,<\/em><\/a>\u00a0<\/em>qui rassemblera la plan\u00e8te num\u00e9rique du 11 au 14 novembre 2018. <\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n
D\u00e9cideurs publics, administrations, innovateurs, intrapreneurs, gov techs, civic techs,\u00a0organisations de la soci\u00e9t\u00e9 civile…plus de 5000 personnes venues du monde entier se retrouveront \u00e0 Paris pour participer \u00e0 trois \u00e9v\u00e8nements majeurs.<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n<\/blockquote>\n
=> Rejoignez-nous pour boire un verre sur la terrasse du Numa le 12 novembre de 19h \u00e0 20h : ouvert \u00e0 toutes et \u00e0 tous, inscrivez-vous ici<\/a><\/span><\/strong><\/p>\n
La semaine sera\u00a0ouverte par le Forum de Paris sur\u00a0 la Paix<\/a>, le 11 novembre au Parc de la Villette. Ce lancement s’inscrit dans le cadre du\u00a0centenaire de l’armistice. Le\u00a0Forum de la Gouvernance de l’Internet <\/a>aura lieu \u00e0 l’UNESCO, du 12 au\u00a014 novembre et le Sommet des GovTech<\/a> se tiendra \u00e0 l’H\u00f4tel de\u00a0Ville de Paris le 12 novembre.<\/p>\n
Ces \u00e9v\u00e8nements seront l’opportunit\u00e9 de retrouver la communaut\u00e9 internationale avec laquelle Etalab travaille depuis plusieurs ann\u00e9es : les membres du Partenariat pour un gouvernement ouvert, du Contracting 5, de l’Open Data Charter, des groupes de travail sur l’open data et sur l’open government de l’OCDE,\u00a0du G7 Open Data Charter et tous ses partenaires internationaux sur l’open source, les civic techs et l’innovation publique. Rejoignez-nous !<\/p>\n
Le Forum de Paris sur la Paix<\/span><\/strong><\/h3>\n
Du 11 au 13 novembre \u00e0 la Grande Halle de La Villette, Paris 19e<\/sup><\/em><\/p>\n
Le Forum de Paris sur la Paix<\/a> a vocation \u00e0 devenir le rendez-vous annuel de la gouvernance mondiale, y compris celle des espaces num\u00e9riques. Plusieurs milliers de participants du monde entier sont attendus. 120 projets innovants seront pr\u00e9sent\u00e9s dans l\u2019espace des solutions.<\/p>\n
=> Etalab est porteur du d\u00e9fi \u00ab\u00a0transparence de la commande publique\u00a0\u00bb<\/a>, l’un des 4 d\u00e9fis du hackathon sur la transparence des donn\u00e9es financi\u00e8res. Nous y\u00a0\u00a0organiserons aussi la passation de la Pr\u00e9sidence du Contracting 5<\/a>, partenariat international qui\u00a0\u0153uvre pour la transparence des donn\u00e9es de la commande publique, pr\u00e9sid\u00e9 par la France depuis novembre 2017.\u00a0<\/em><\/span><\/p>\n
- Programme<\/a><\/li>\n
- S’inscrire au hackathon\u00a0<\/a>: contacter Etalab<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n
Le Forum de la Gouvernance de l’Internet\u00a0:\u00a0pour\u00a0un\u00a0internet\u00a0de\u00a0confiance<\/span><\/strong><\/h3>\n
Du 12 au 14 novembre \u00e0 l\u2019UNESCO, 7 place de Fontenoy, Paris 7e<\/em><\/p>\n
Le FGI<\/a> examine les questions li\u00e9es \u00e0 la gouvernance et \u00e0 l\u2019organisation de l\u2019Internet. La r\u00e9union de Paris, intitul\u00e9e Pour un internet de la confiance<\/em>, sera l\u2019occasion d\u2019aborder l\u2019avenir de l\u2019Internet, \u00e0 travers les d\u00e9fis de la confiance, de la r\u00e9gulation, de la s\u00e9curit\u00e9, de la stabilit\u00e9, et du r\u00f4le des acteurs \u00e9tatiques, institutionnels ou non-\u00e9tatiques. Plus de 2000 participants sont attendus.<\/p>\n
=> Etalab\u00a0pr\u00e9sentera notamment les politiques open data et open gov. de la France dans les sessions th\u00e9matiques.\u00a0<\/em><\/span><\/p>\n
- Programme<\/a><\/li>\n
- S’inscrire<\/a><\/li>\n<\/ul>\n
Le Sommet des GovTech :\u00a0Le\u00a0rendez-vous\u00a0des\u00a0innovateurs\u00a0au\u00a0service\u00a0des\u00a0citoyens<\/span><\/strong><\/h3>\n
Le 12 novembre \u00e0 l\u2019H\u00f4tel de Ville de Paris, Paris 4e<\/em><\/p>\n
Enti\u00e8rement consacr\u00e9 \u00e0 la transformation num\u00e9rique des Etats et des d\u00e9mocraties, le sommet des GovTech <\/a>rassemblera innovateurs et d\u00e9cideurs europ\u00e9ens, investisseurs et universitaires, gouvernements et collectivit\u00e9s locales, ainsi que membres de la soci\u00e9t\u00e9 civile, pour imaginer le gouvernement technologique de demain. Le sommet centrera plus particuli\u00e8rement ses travaux sur les fa\u00e7ons de soutenir l\u2019\u00e9mergence d\u2019un \u00e9cosyst\u00e8me europ\u00e9en d\u2019innovateurs au service de la sph\u00e8re publique, afin d\u2019am\u00e9liorer l\u2019utilisation des nouvelles technologies dans le secteur public et la collaboration entre Etats et startups.<\/p>\n
=> Etalab animera notamment deux table-rondes autour du programme Entrepreneur d’Int\u00e9r\u00eat G\u00e9n\u00e9ral. Un espace de la DINSIC pr\u00e9sentera des produits tels que data.gouv.fr<\/a>, consultation.etalab.gouv.fr<\/a>\u00a0ainsi que les projets des Entrepreneur.e.s d’int\u00e9r\u00eat g\u00e9n\u00e9ral et des start-ups d’Etat Beta.gouv.<\/a><\/em><\/span><\/p>\n
- Programme<\/a><\/li>\n
- S’inscrire<\/a><\/li>\n<\/ul>\n[:en] <\/p>\n
\nEtalab is participating in the events of the\u00a0Paris Digital Week<\/a>, from the 11th to the 14th of November, 2018. These events will bring together the\u00a0global digital\u00a0community during 3 days.<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n
Policy-makers, administrations, innovators, intrapreneurs<\/em>, govtech, civictech, civil society organizations… more than 5000 people from all over the world will meet in Paris to participate in three major events.<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n<\/blockquote>\n
=> Join us for dinks on November 12th from 7pm to 9pm at Numa – open to all – subscribe here<\/a><\/span><\/strong><\/p>\n
Genuinely understanding the digital transformation and creating the best possible springboard for global prosperity and security will require engagement on an international scale in a multi-stakeholder discussion, bringing together states, local authorities, international organizations, large and small companies, citizens and NGOs. Core to this discussion must be an examination of three key questions: how the latest digital technologies \u2013 including \u00a0artificial intelligence, machine learning and the internet of things \u2013 should be governed; how the technology-empowered transformation impacts on the relationships between the state and citizens; and how public services should be delivered in future. This is the aim of the Paris Digital Week, composed of 3 sessions.<\/p>\n
These events – detailed below – will be an opportunity to meet the international community with which Etalab has been working for several years: participants of the Open Government Partnership, Contracting 5, Open Data Charter, OECD working groups on open data and open government, G7 Open Data Charter and all its international partners on open source, civic techs and public innovation.<\/p>\n
The Paris Peace Forum<\/h3>\n
From 11th to 13th of\u00a0November at la Grande Halle de la Villette, Paris 19\u00e8me.<\/em><\/p>\n
In the context of activities celebrating the centennial of the Armistice of 1918, the Government is taking an active part in the launch of the Paris Peace Forum<\/a>, which is set to become the annual rendez-vous for ideas and initiatives on global governance, around the five themes of peace and security, the environment, development, new technologies and the inclusive economy.<\/p>\n
=> Etalab will manage the challenge of \u00ab public procurement transparency<\/a> \u00bb which is one of the four challenges from the hackathon on financial data transparency. We will also organize the hand over of\u00a0 the chair of the Contracting 5<\/a> an international partnership working for on opening public procurement data, chaired by France since November 2017.<\/em><\/span><\/p>\n
- Program<\/a><\/span><\/li>\n
- Register to the hackathon<\/a><\/span><\/li>\n<\/ul>\n
\u00a0Internet Governance Forum \u2013 The internet of Trust<\/h3>\n
From 12 to 14th of\u00a0November at the Headquarters of UNESCO, 7 place de Fontenoy, Paris 7e,<\/em><\/p>\n
The IGF<\/a> is a global multi-stakeholder Forum for policy dialogue on Internet governance issues. This thirteenth annual\u00a0meeting in Paris,\u00a0called \u00ab\u00a0Internet of Trust\u00a0\u00bb, will be the opportunity to exchange on the future of\u00a0the Internet, through issues of trust, regulation, security, stability and the roles of\u00a0States, institutions and non-governmental stakeholders.<\/p>\n
=> Etalab will\u00a0present the French open data and open gov policies in the thematic sessions<\/em><\/span><\/p>\n
- Program<\/a><\/span><\/li>\n
- Register<\/a><\/span><\/li>\n<\/ul>\n
The GovTech Summit<\/h3>\n
November 12th at Paris City Hall, Paris 4\u00e8me<\/em><\/p>\n
GovTech Summit<\/a> will gather European leaders and innovators to explore how new technologies can improve public services and democratic practices. The one-day summit will feature more than 90 international speakers, covering topics from transport to healthcare, security to international development, e-government to citizen engagement. The GovTech Summit will reimagine services that place citizens at the centre of public delivery, where public servants have an array of technology-enabled resources and information at their fingertips, and can use new ways of delivering better, more efficient, more citizen-focused services.<\/p>\n
=> At the GovTech Summit, Etalab will\u00a0moderate two roundtables about the \u00ab Entrepreneur.e.s d\u2019inter\u00eat g\u00e9n\u00e9ral \u00bb program. A specific location will be dedicated to the DINSIC, which will showcase products such as data.gouv.fr,<\/a> consultation.etalab.gouv.fr <\/a>and the products developed by \u00ab Entrepreneur.e.s d\u2019inter\u00eat g\u00e9n\u00e9ral<\/a> \u00bb (General Interest Entrepreneurs) and State Start-ups Beta.gouv<\/a><\/em><\/span><\/p>\n
- Program<\/a><\/span><\/li>\n
- Register<\/a><\/span><\/li>\n<\/ul>\n[:]\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"
[:fr] Etalab participe \u00e0 plusieurs des s\u00e9quences de la Paris Digital Week,\u00a0qui rassemblera la plan\u00e8te num\u00e9rique du 11 au 14 novembre 2018. D\u00e9cideurs publics, administrations, innovateurs, intrapreneurs, gov techs, civic techs,\u00a0organisations de la soci\u00e9t\u00e9 civile…plus de 5000 personnes venues du monde entier se retrouveront \u00e0 Paris pour participer \u00e0 trois \u00e9v\u00e8nements majeurs. => Rejoignez-nous pour …<\/p>\n